You're Welcome Here

find the hope you're meant to know


Love for others is to be a hallmark trait of Christians. At El Paso 1st Assembly we hope to teach from God's Word how to love and then to actually live it out by His strength. Here are just a few of the ways in which we look to love those in our lives and in our community:
Life Classes
Food Pantry
Marriage Enrichment
College & Career Classes
Youth Ministry
Children's Church
Manpower Men's Ministry
WoW Women's Ministry
Intercessory Prayer
Vacation Bible School
Yearly Community Outreach
Spanish Translation for all services
Coffee Shop on-site



One of the main instructions given to the leaders of the church was to be able to teach. Leaders are also commanded to equip the saints so that they can also carry out the work of the minsitry, and this exactly what our skilled teachers desire to do. 

Coming to our services should be a time of worship and fellowship, but also of mental strengtheningand spiritual awakening. Sermons are understandable but yet stimulating to the mind and spirit with respect to accurate doctrine and implication for our everyday lives.



The Great Commission of Matthew 28 tells us that we must be going into all the world, making disciples of persons in all nations. At El Paso 1st Assembly, we aim to take that seriously by using whatever means we have to promote worldwide missions and outreach. 

We support missionaries from around the world to seed into the great harvest of the world not only in one way but by giving and sending our own to local communities regularly by conducting outreaches and by spreading the word thru social media and by the way of internet.

Join us in this great commission given to us by Jesus himself to making a difference in this world starting with our neighbors and community and in our city.

service times and location

Sundays @ 10:30 am
Wednesdays @ 7:00 pm

Nursery provided for all services and Spanish translation is available


Recent Series and Events

Check out our ministry highlights, videos, testimonies and stories from around El Paso 1st Assembly.